jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

use the QR Fortune Wheel

use the QR to go to the Fortune wheel

use the QR Fortune Wheel

use the QR to go to the Fortune wheel

Spinning wheel Having Fun

Prepare your oral exam with the spinning wheel. Click to spin and when you get the expression prepare your dialogue with a friend using that expression. Your talk must be at least 1'30 minutes. Good luck

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

Fun 2016-17

When do you have fun? what do you do in your free time? who do you play with? Let us know, share your interests in this Lino it.

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Actividades PEL

PELActividades PEL (portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas) Niveles del Marco Europeo de las Lenguas desarrollado por la Junta de Andalucía

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Storybirds 2015-16

You can start reading the new stories written in groups by the students of 2º ESO D and under Jill's supervision. Click on the images and enjoy the books. Comments in English will be welcome.

 A trip to Paris

 My vacation

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Typical mistakes with Prepositions

Have a look at this infography and the typical mistakes we make with some prepositions in English

[Infographic provided by Grammar.net]

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

martes, 26 de enero de 2016

Internal organs

Revise the vocabulary of the internal organs of your body by clicking on this slide.

Meet the sad fingers

Try this First Aid game and check how much  you know about minor Medical treatments clicking on the image.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

First Video: Roleplay at the Bookshop

Let's prepare a dialogue at the bookshop.

Students at 2nd D have been at the bookshop, they have sold and bought books, comics, magazines, CDs, DVDs and Computer games.
This is the output of the first try. Congratulations to all the students because you are great actors and actresses. Keep on the art of role-playing.

Let's prepare a dialogue at the bookshop.

Click on the picture and get a dialogue as a sample.